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Our Mission
To position ourselves as a leading manufacturer of enclosure climate control units,a highly performing international business group.To achieve and maintain a leadership position by.
■ Manufacturing and marketing quality enclosureclimate control products and services in selected markets worldwide;
■ Offering the most responsive and dynamic customer service;
■ Continuously improving our products and services;
■ Innovating and upgrading our technologies and products;
■ Developing new areas of activity To achieve and maintain the profitability levels necessary to safeguard the future of the company, thereby offering an adequate return to our shareholders and a competitive remuneration to our employees;
■ To foster the motivation, personal growth and development of each employee in a working environment of equal opportunity, staff training is an important responsibility and obligation.
Our Vision
Become the world's top international enterprise with leading technology.
■ Customer satisfaction is the basis of our business;
■ Through innovation, efficiency and quality, we must be the most effective company in the worldwide business sectors in which we have elected to operate;
■ Our people are our principal asset. Our system of values focuses on individuals operating in a team. We believe in their commitment to assume heir responsibilities. To perform their duties, and to cooperate fairly with all other employees in order to fulfill our mission, we hereby recognize and respect their dignity and rights in our organization;
■ In order to meet the challenges of a changing world and to improve our business environment, we will question everything in and around ourselves;
■ As a good corporate citizen, it is our duty to accept full responsibility in all countries in which we operate.